Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Not that anyone is going to listen to little ole' me--but IF I was an athlete going to the beijing olympics I would say fuck that. China--needs to shape up. Human rights violations left and right. And since the olympics are supposed to be a world unifying feel good time--it would be just plain ignorant to host it in such a not (for lack of a better word) "feel-good place." It would be like having a world peace summit at efffing gitmo.

I think the most disturbing thing about the crisis in Tibet is the lack of foreign press allowed into Tibet to report on what is really going on. The only stories allowed out of there is supposed to come from the chinese "official" press. And you know how youtube.com has been blocked by china? I know this is loftly irrational thinking--the only right kind of thinking you know--but if I was a ceo of youtube I would totally bring it to the world's attention that the Chinese government is so concerned about hiding something that they blocked a world forum. And what does this indicate about their capabilities of hosting a world event.

Click the link below for the full story.

Chinese free press

anyways--that's just me.

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